Gratis Eagle Eye Cctv Software Free For Pc
AVTECH EagleEyes Software Software >> Android The EagleEyes software for Android will fulfill all your remote surveillance desire through simply touch control on the phone screen.. Feb 8, 2012 - No-IP hanya mengijinkan 1 free hostname, sedangkan changeip tidak PC tambahan sebagai updater jika updater pada DVR tidak handal.. Select “Install” to begin the installation process of EagleEyes Software, After the installation is completed. 1
Select Open to activate the EagleEyes Software Select the preview picture to enter the surveillance channel (You can repeat the previous step to add new surveillance channel) Now you should be able to have remote surveillance at anytime from anywhere.. AVTECH telah mengembangkan serangkaian aplikasi atau Software CCTV pada Platform Mobile dan desktop untuk Produk kamera CCTV mereka. HERE
Bila anda membeli melalui Channel CCTV maka anda tak perlu repot untuk mendownload dan mensetting DVR CCTV anda untuk dapat memantau melalui software CCTV Eagle Eyes, karena kami akan mensettingnya untuk anda.
Software CCTV ini memiliki 2 Versi, Versi gratis dan berbayar yaitu Versi Plus, Lite, Lite tentunya versi yang berbayar memiliki beberapa kelebihan dari pada yang gratis.. Exit 'Address Book' after all the information needed is filled in Open your Android Mobile phone's browser and connect Then, select 'Software/Android' to download EagleEyes into your phone.. No matter where you are and what time it is, as long as your Android phone is able to connect to the internet, you will be able to directly access to AVTECHs products. 34bbb28f04 4
Banyak penyedia DDNS gratis menmberikan software updater secara cuma-cuma Dgn modem TP-Link dan DVR Avtech yg kemudian via software eagle-eyes bs.. Then, enter the information needed to access to your device, such as the IP address, user name, password, port number. Click